Sunday, 1 July 2018

A covenant community


Being together
Can be easy.

Being together
Can be hard.

Being together
Can bring happiness.

Being together
Can bring tears.

You have brought us together
As family.

You have promised
To be together with us
When life seems easy
And when life seems hard.
When we are happy
And when tears are in our eyes.

Thank you, Jesus

Help me

Help me to learn
From the good examples
Of those around me
And to be a good example myself.

Help me to hear
The good words
Of those that love me
And to encourage others with what I say.

Help me to see Jesus
In the way others live
And to show him myself
In the way that I live.


Young and old
And those in between;
We’re all part of your family.

Help us to live together,
Learn together,
Grow together,
And love together.

Thank You

Thank you, Jesus
For those that teach me.

Thank you, Jesus
For those that lead me.

Thank you, Jesus
For those that feed me.

Thank you, Jesus
For those that help me.

Thank you, Jesus
For those that comfort me.

Thank You, Jesus
For those that love me.

Thank you, Jesus
For those around me.


When I’m feeling sad
I need a hug.

When I feel alone
I need a hug.

When I need a hug
There’s no-one around.

Thank you, Jesus
That wherever I am
And however I feel
I can always feel your arms around me.

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Jesus wants us to remember him. He gave us this meal. Bread. To remember that he was real – A body like ours That was bruised ...