Thursday, 1 June 2017

God's sovereignty

Some times

There are some times
When I think that I know it all.
When what I think
And what I say
And what I do
And what I want
Are the only things that really count.

But, it’s at those times
When I’m mostly wrong.
When what I think
And what I say
And what I do
And what I want
Should be given over to you.

God is…


All knowing.
All seeing.
All loving.
All giving.



When life
Is full
Of fun and laughter,
You laugh along with me.

When life
Is dull
And dragging on,
You keep me fresh and bright.

When life
Is sad
And full of tears and grief,
You hold me tight and walk with me.

Help us

Big God,
You’ve done so much for us.
Help us to do more for you.

Creator God,
You made the world and it is yours.
Help us to show more care.

Saviour God,
You gave your son to die for us.
Help us to be generous with our lives.

Loving God,
You love us, whoever we are.
Help us to show love to those we meet.

Sovereign God,
You are over and above all.
Help us to be content in you.

And yet

God, you do so much for us
And yet, we’re always wanting more.

God, you ask us to care for others
And yet, we focus on ourselves.

God, you ask that we give you time
And yet, we find so little time to spare.

God, you want the best for us
And yet, we turn and loo away.

God, we want to love you more
And live our lives your way.

Forgive us, guide us
And help us follow you.

Thank you

Jesus, you are with us;
Helping us,
Leading us,
Guiding us,
Giving us life
And hope

And love

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