Jesus wants us to remember him.
He gave us this meal.
To remember that he was real –
A body like ours
That was bruised
And was broken
And that died on a cross.
To remember that he had life like us –
Breath in his lungs
And blood in his veins
Blood that flowed out
When he died on a cross.
Jesus wants us to remember him.
He gave us his life.
And as we remember him at this table, sharing this meal, we do so with
gratitude. A meal familiar to so many of
us but one that we should come to as if for the first time. Remembering all that he has done for us and
knowing that it is so much more than we could ever deserve. Remembering to
thank him today, and every day and asking that his love shown so clearly
through the bread and the wine that we share may be reflected, in some small
way, to those around us.
Creator and our loving God
We thank you
And we praise you.
You have made us in your image
And have promised
To love us
And to protect us.
You have sent your son
To be our Saviour.
To love us
And to lead us.
You have left us your spirit
To surround us each day.
To love us
And to bring us comfort.
May we know your protection,
Be happy to follow
And feel your comfort
Today, and every day.