Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Covenant, God keeps his promises!

Promises, promises

I promise to be good…
I promise to clean my room…
I promise to do my homework…
I promise to eat my vegetables…
I promise that I’ll drink enough water…
I promise that I’ll try my best…

I promise, I promise, I promise,
I really do…

Every day I make promises – 
Often because I want something.
Every day I make promises –
Sometimes I even keep them.

Every day I make promises.

God has made a promise – 
And not because he needs something.
God has made a promise –
And his promise is always true.

God has made a promise – 
He will love me
And care for me
And provide for me
And walk with me.

All day.
Every day.
Every way.
God has made a promise – 
And that’s more than enough for me.

Please forgive us

We’re sorry when we’ve not done what we should have
And we’re sorry when we have done what we shouldn’t.

Please forgive us.

We’re sorry when we’ve not said the right thing
And we’re sorry when we’ve said what we know is wrong.

Please forgive us.

We’re sorry when we’ve gone our own way
And we’re sorry when we’ve not looked to you.

Please forgive us.

Thank you

Thank you that you have promised to always be with us.

When we’re happy – 
Thank you.

When we’re sad –
Thank you.

When we’re good –
Thank you.

When we’re bad – 
Thank you.

When we’re busy – 
Thank you.

When we’re at rest –
Thank you.

When we’re troubled – 
Thank you.

When we’re blessed – 
Thank you.

Thank you that you have promised to always be with us.

I promise

Jesus, I promise to love you.
Jesus, I promise to follow you.
Jesus, I promise to live for you.

Jesus, I promise to love others.
Jesus, I promise to tell people about you.
Jesus, I promise to try and live like you.

Jesus, help me to keep my promises.


Jesus wants us to remember him. He gave us this meal. Bread. To remember that he was real – A body like ours That was bruised ...