Sunday, 1 January 2017

A Gospel of Immanuel

You know

When I am laughing,
I know that you laugh too.

When I am crying,
The tears that you cry comfort me.

When I am upset,
I know that you, too, feel hurt.

Thank you, Jesus.

When I’m feeling lonely,
I know that you knew loneliness too.

When my friends don’t support me,
I know that your friends treated you the same.

When life is fun,
I know that you enjoyed life too.

Thank you, Jesus.

When I’m feeling tired,
I know that you needed sleep like me.

When I’m feeling weak,
I know that you had to deal with tough things.

When I’m needing love,
I know that you will always hold me tight.

Thank You, Jesus

Come home with me

Come to my home Jesus, come through my door.
See my house, my home – the place I live;
You’re welcome here.

Sit with me when I eat or watch TV;
Watch me as I get along, and fall out, with my family.
You’re welcome here.

Come to my home Jesus, come through my door.
Help me to be kind to my family,
And to welcome my friends

Come to my home Jesus, come through my door.
Spend time with me, and I with you.
Help me to love you more.

Like me

It’s kind of hard to understand
That you were once like me.
Small and needing care -
Flesh and bones and “sticky-up” hair.

It’s kind of hard to really know
That you were once a boy.
You learned to live and love and play
And lived your life, day by day.

It’s kind of hard to understand
The things you did and said.
Making people better, showing them how to live.
Showing them the Father by all you had to give.

It’s kind of hard to really know
Why you had to die.
To have the people turn aside
When, for each and every one, you died.

It’s kind of hard to know you’re here
Beside me every day.
That where I am and who I’ll see
You’ll always walk along with me.

With us

Immanuel, God with us –
That’s who you are.
You smiled,
You cried,
You told stories,
You stood up for what was right
Whatever the cost.
You challenged,
As you still challenge today.
You loved,
You reached out to those in need,
And still reach out today.
You forgave and forgive –
Every day.

Jesus, thank you that you are with us.


Jesus wants us to remember him. He gave us this meal. Bread. To remember that he was real – A body like ours That was bruised ...