Friday, 1 July 2016

A Gospel for creation

When I wake up

Thank you God for a good night’s sleep (or not as the case may be!).
Thank you that you made the sun to shine and the plants to grow.
Thank you that you love me and want to spend the day with me.

For my breakfast,
Thank you God.
For my family,
Thank you God.
For the beautiful world,
Thank you God.
For the moon that’s gone and the sun that’s here,
Thank you God.
For looking after us even when we don’t look after the things we have,
Thank you God.
For bags and bags of energy for my day,
Thank you God.

You made the world and all I have;
You love me whatever I do.
I’m sorry for when I’ll forget you’re there,
When I’ll do things wrong or upset my friends.

Help me today to see you in the world around me,
And say thank you.
Help me today to love others around me,
And say thank you.
Help me today to enjoy my food,
And say thank you.

During my day

Thank you God for my morning;
For all I’ve done and seen and had,
For where I’ve been and those I’ve seen.

And for my lunch I thank you God,
Thank you for the person who made it for me,
Who bought the food and made it nice and put it on my plate.

Thank you God for farmers who are working in their fields,
For people working in the shops,
For nursery leaders and classroom teachers who teach me what I need to know.

And for my friends I thank you God,
For all the fun we have.

Thank you too for parks and gardens and outdoor spaces and lots of room to run.
Keep me fit and keep me strong until the day is done.

When I’m going to bed

The sun has gone, or is going soon
The day has been such fun.
I’m just about to go to bed
My eyes are closing fast.

My mum is tired and dad is too
“There’s still so much to do”
I hear them say, as they come upstairs.

Please God help them do the things they need to do
As I drop off to sleep.
Thank you for the love they give
And for helping me today.

Thank you for the moon I see
The shining stars so bright.
Thank you that you’ll stay with me
And keep me safe tonight.


Jesus wants us to remember him. He gave us this meal. Bread. To remember that he was real – A body like ours That was bruised ...